A Well Protected Heart
An attempt to understand how, as a child, one is forced to protect the heart from a careless environment. The price that one pays for this is that as an adult the feelings that one experiences are mere substitutes created by the mind because the heart has no voice. It was gagged and bound years before. As a consequence, all relationships that are established with others are subject to a heart that is unable to experience love. And the perceived love that is sometimes experienced is experienced not by the heart, but a substitute who parades as a heart. The culprit being our mind who has the great potential to transform itself into anything it desires.

A Well Protected Heart

A Well Protected Heart

For every thorn

For Every Thorn

the self

The Self

El Hueco

El Hueco

Cuantas Veces website

Cuantas Veces

Mi corazon es tuyo

Es Tuyo

You Say_edited-1

The Embrace

The Void

The Void

El Hueco

El Hueco